
She squinted at Tang Zhong with a triumphant look. Obviously, she felt that she had just taken advantage of it. In any case, the students of Nantah do not know themselves, and at most they think that they are a silly woman who has been taken advantage of by Tang Zhong, a beast in clothes. “What do you want?” Tang Chong asked. Eat. Said Dong Bodhi. But I’ll take you to a place before we eat. Under the guidance of Dong Bodhi, the car stopped at the gate of an independent villa beside the Huangpu River, side by side with the Splendid Pavilion. Dong Bodhi took the lead in pushing the door and getting off, then pushed open the gate of the villa. Tang Zhong got out of the car and found that the interior of the villa was being renovated. What does that mean? Tang Chong asked. I bought it. Dong said, pointing to the three-storey villa with a huge area. Are you going to live in Pearl? Tang Zhong frowned. To be honest, he didn’t want to have too much contact with the Dong family at this time. He knew that the Dong family had no good intentions for themselves. Of course, he was also hostile to the Dong family. It’s not just living. Dong Bodhi said. With a wave of her little hand, she said heroically, “I want to start my career in Mingzhu.” “Career?” “I want to be the most luxurious yoga studio in Pearl.” Dong Bodhi said. Then, somewhat sheepishly, she said,x70 line pipe, “I only know yoga.” “Whatever.” Tang Chong is not interested in these. You came to me so I could see your career take off? That’s just one of the reasons. Let’s go to dinner first, and then take you to a place to meet some friends. Dong Bodhi said. After dinner at the Splendid Restaurant, Dong Bodhi personally drove Tang Chong to a bar called’Emperor ‘in the northeast corner of the Huangpu River. Dong Bodhi pushed open the door and got out of the car and found Tang Zhong still sitting in the cab and not moving. What’s the matter? Dong Bodhi turned and asked. As soon as her head shook, the two fluffy red balls on either side of Little Red Riding Hood also shook, which was very cute. I’m a student. It’s not good to go into a bar. Tang Chong said. Dong Yuti curled his lips and said, “Where do you think all the girls in the bar come from?”? Aren’t they all from colleges and universities? “All right then.” Tang Chong said. If they want me,x52 line pipe, you have to help me refuse. I’m afraid I can’t refuse myself. “What part of your body do you look like a cheater?” Dong Bodhi was really delighted by Tang Chong. To be a cheater is also to have capital. Don, too, I think. I am silk. Silk can’t be a cheater. The first floor is the bar hall, which is also the dance floor. It was still early, there was light music in the bar, and there was no one on the dance floor. Instead, there were a group of girls dressed in sexy and beautiful clothes around the bar, because the bartender who looked like a flower was performing fancy bartending, which drew the girls’exclamations from time to time. Dong Bodhi did not even glance over there and went straight upstairs with Tang Chong. The second floor is the booth, sitting on the booth, you can see the scenery downstairs. Besides, 347 stainless steel ,x52 line pipe, the lights are dim, and no one will see what little action they want to do in this booth. Dong Bodhi’s footsteps did not stop and went straight to the third floor. The third floor is a box. Each box has a name, called what “talent”, “lady”, “beauty”, “imperial concubine” and other strange names. Dong Bodhi went all the way to the door of a box called the Queen, and then forced the door open. Seeing the scene of prostitution and chaos inside, Tang Chong stood at the door with his eyes wide open. Woman. The box is full of women. And they’re all beautiful women. They are in pairs or groups of three. Some are tongue-kissing, some are groping for each other’s bodies, and some are drinking and playing games. Sitting in the middle of the box was a woman with a buzz cut, wearing a brown camouflage suit specially made by the army and a short-sleeved T-shirt of the same style. Wearing a military watch on her wrist, she looked like a woman in the service. Her cheeks are thin and beautiful, and her eyes are as cold as ice skates. On either side of her sat a charming little beauty. Tang Zhong looked at the past carefully, and it turned out to be a pair of twins. One of them fed wine to the camouflage woman, and the other fed peeled grapes into her mouth. Tang Chongkan’s heart was bleeding. These women, so many women, what a waste? I’m afraid any man would roar like this when he sees this.
The short-haired woman ignored Dong Bodhi, who was walking in front of her, but her eyes glanced at Tang Zhong’s face. She did not speak, so she stared at Tang Zhong’s face without blinking. For a long time, he turned to look at Dong Bodhi, who was sitting in the corner of the sofa and greeting people, and asked, “Is he Tang Zhong who let my brother eat?” “Not bad?” Dong Yiti giggled. She greeted and clinked glasses with a long-haired woman sitting next to her. The camouflage woman snorted coldly and said to Tang Zhong, “Remember my name. My name is Gongsun Xiaoyi.” “I remember.” Tang Zhong was so distressed that he almost cried. You’re the only gay I know. There are so many good-looking women, and they are all cheap for these women. Small-say-t-xt-day. Don The 255th, let the young lady from the good, persuade the female to love Lang! The 255th, let the young lady from the good, persuade the female to love Lang! Tang Zhong now understands that this so-called’Emperor ‘bar is actually a lesbian bar. The so-called les bar. All the people he saw inside were women. Even the good-looking bartender on the first floor is a woman. At that time, he was still very tasty, envious of the sissy being sought after by a group of women-now he knows that she was originally the “empress”. But it made him even more envious. Women can conquer women, not to prove that men are too incompetent? Moreover, to Tang Chong’s surprise, all the women here are extraordinary in beauty, and no matter how bad they are,316ti stainless steel, their temperament is outstanding. But these women-how do they all fall in love with women? This is really a bad time. A good-looking man falls in love with a man who is more beautiful than him, a good-looking woman falls in love with an equally good-looking woman, and the rest of the women can only make do with each other and occasionally quarrel with each other. lksteelpipe.com

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